Tred provides advanced stock market and trading indicators that work on Tradingview. It helps traders to find easy entry and exit for trading and analysis of stocks in just a simple way. If you are a beginner, intermediate, or pro trader then there is no need to add tons of indicators on the chart, you can use our few indicators and tools to enhance your trading. Once you subscribe to Tred’s premium plan, you will receive all details on your registered email as well and all indicators will be activated for your Tradingview account.
Tred’s indicators work with every type of Tradingview chart, you can use our tools and indicators for every stock, indices, and crypto as well as commodities. If you are an options trader, scalper, or positional trader, or if you trade into the crypto market, it will definitely work for you.
Yes, TRED Premium Indicator is great for beginners. Even a new trader can easily apply our indicators on their TradingView charts and use them. This indicator toolkit comes with a guide for all features and trading strategies.
If you want to use Tred, you just need a few things:
1. You just need a free Tradingview account.
2. Access of Tred’s indicators.
If you have any doubts or concerns, you can reach us simply at, We will surely assist you on a priority basis.
😣😓Are you using so many indicators and still losing the trades? Use Tred’s Indicator Now >>